Keeping Your Child’s Interests First In Custody Matters
Conflicts involving children in divorce or family law matters are always the most emotional. Understandably, parents are concerned about losing influence and control in the upbringing of their child. At Paoloni & Lewis, in Kent, Ohio, our lawyers know that helping people feel more comfortable about custody and child support issues generally begins with giving them a realistic expectation of what to expect under the law.
Child Custody Does Not Mean Child Ownership
First, let us start by saying that being named the primary physical custodian of a child, whether in a divorce judgment or paternity litigation does not mean ownership of the child. Ohio courts expect that both parents will take an active role in raising the child. Whenever possible, our law firm works through mediation or litigation to arrange a shared parenting plan that will provide for the best interest of the child with both parents involved, as the courts expect. Even in shared parenting plans, however, it is important to remember that the nonresidential parent will likely be ordered to pay some amount of child support.
Child Support And Enforcement Issues
The amount of child support paid to the primary physical custodian is based on a specific formula set forth by state law, which takes into account a variety of factors. In most cases, the formula will be used by the court to calculate the level of child support awarded to the custodial parent. Many divorces and paternity matters also involve a child with special or specific needs agreed upon by both parents. We work hard to negotiate a fair support level that meets the needs of the child.
Parenting Rights Are Not Affected By Child Support Payments
Under Ohio law, it is not legal for the primary physical custodian to deny parenting time (visitation rights) based on late child support payments. We can help you with child support enforcement if you are not receiving the monthly support money your custodial child is entitled to. If you are a noncustodial parent who has been denied parenting rights, talk to us about protecting your rights.
Call Us To Discuss Your Child Custody Issue With Attorney Amanda Lewis
At Paoloni & Lewis, you will always work directly with attorney Amanda Lewis throughout your case. Call us at 330-474-9918 to arrange an initial consultation as soon as possible.